Was China the season of million dollar blunders?
After finishing China for the first time I can’t help but feel like so many different people fumbled the bag. However I just can’t help but think Amanda made the biggest blunder in voting for Denise instead of Todd in the final four. Obviously hindsight is 20/20 but I really think Denise would have talked herself out of a million dollars. At that final four tribal Jeff asked Denise why the other survivors should keep her there and she literally answered by saying something along the lines of “I don’t know why they would keep me. They are afraid I’d play the kid card” I was rooting for Denise so hard but she was already talking herself out of the million dollars and Todd started to sway the jury during that tribal council. Denise not pleading her case well should have convinced Amanda to vote Todd. Not to mention how upset Amanda was with Todd for his reactions/comments and her perception that it made her look bad.
With a FTC of Amanda, Courtney and Denise, Amanda should have been able to sell herself to the jury. She had some legitimate moves under her belt but she performed really poorly at FTC and that momentum started at the previous tribal.
Do you agree? Does Amanda walk away with the million if she brings Denise to FTC instead of Todd?
What other million dollar blunders were made through the season? And did this season have more blunders than the first 14 seasons?