Feeling a little discouraged
I quit 64 days ago and it was absolutely the right decision for me. I’ve made so many mistakes while drinking and have never been able to drink moderately for any duration of time. It’s also far more consistent with my values of health and wellness to stay sober. And I do LOVE never having hangovers or waking up in a panic about what I might have done/said the night before.
But… quitting has also not changed a lot of the things I hoped it would. All the stories about people dropping a bunch of weight? Not a pound for me. And I don’t eat sugar or fast food. I eat ridiculously healthfully! I don’t know why cutting out alcohol and drunk snacking wouldn’t change things even a little.
I run and cycle at least 2-3 hrs per week and had hoped that without alcohol I’d start to progress a little more. But my exercise routine still feels stagnated. My body just stubbornly resists improving
I don’t have more energy. I still want to take a nap everyday after work.
I still feel down, maybe a little more so bc I don’t have the dopamine boost of alcohol.
I still feel anxious.
I’m a psychologist so I know that these can be normal, and I’m very aware of how to treat them through behavior change . But that’s just it… I’m doing a lot of the things we recommend patients do! And I still feel stuck. Languishing, even.
Am I the only one who hasn’t had a complete life change with quitting? Maybe I was hoping for too much.
I’m still committed to sobriety, I just hoped for more?