Yeah...I liked Nemesis for what it was(emphasis on "for what it was")...but Insurrection was better.
I feel Paramount really didn't understand WHY Insurrection bombed, it was just simply not as cinematic as it could be and only fans of the shows would be into it.
Nemesis though kinda had too much action over story, as while there were a few good story parts like Data's sacrifice, it was mostly an action film.
ALSO the bad guys were all former slaves of the Romulan empire, and how basically none of the main cast criticize the Romulan empire for making their own monsters.
Like, what, are Remans just going to go BACK to being slaves? CALL OUT ROMULUS FOR THIS EVIL!
Yeah this film had some good scenes and ideas in it, but I can't really say it was good. Insurrection I can defend as a good long episode, this was a soso long episode.
You've probably heard similar takes ,but I just wanted to put down mine.
Edit: ALSO the Troi...stuff...unneeded, utterly unneeded.