Album recommendations for 2024!
So, when the new Year arrived around the corner, I came across this challenge: Many redditors had this resolution to listen to an album a day. I thought this was a great idea, but due to school and work, I dont have as much time as others do, but I still wanted to broaden my Horizons, so Ive come up with a few twists and turns to this wee challenge:
-Im going to listen to AT LEAST three albums a week, my list could feature more than the calculated 156 albums if I have some extra time. Hence the at least.
-Im not allowed to listen to the same artist twice or thrice during the same week. For example:That means I cant listen to ‘Era Vulgaris’ and ‘…Like Clockwork’ in the same week, since they’re both by QOTSA.
-One extra rule: The albums must be albums that I’ve never listened to, which means that I cant listen to stuff like ‘the Dark side of the moon’ (Ill reply to your comment if I have listened to the album before!)
Im really curious how this is going to turn out. Im a guy who basically listens to most things, but is particurly interested in (90s)rock/punk/metal. That doesnt mean you cant recommend me stuff like Straight outta Compton, cuz Id love to discover something new! Ill post this thing at the Some other music community’s aswell, and hopefully ill get around to listen to all of you recommendations.