I’m still confused about this

Was it explained why they held onto that information that Trevor hadn’t really cheated?

One thing I will say is that it does seem extremely calculating that Will and Emmy chose to tell Maddi the night before the reunion, that isn’t explained either. And what I find to be truly sad, and shows how sick Emmy is within this relationship, is when one of the cast members called Will calculating and she said “why does it have to be Will? I did it, I’m calculating.” Which was almost a brief and pushed aside comment, but she is more than willing to die on the sword for him.

I’m concerned for her, he left her stranded out there again, left her to answer questions and defend him again. He clearly did not attend the reunion because he didn’t want to be confronted with “accusations” - but as a result he left his girlfriend who he claims to love.. out in the cold. And he knew what was coming, so he’d know she would have to answer for him.

I hope Emmy leaves him one day and regains her sense of self, it is truly a sad watch.

Edit: apologies if it is explained and I missed it!