I’m I the only one who saw this?
Not sure how to post a screenshot of this scene because all I use is my phone, like a chump, but we saw some things in tonight’s episode that were very telling and that not many people (or anyone) seem to be commenting on. There were so many different revelations and additions to theories that I guess this one just got missed by some, or maybe ppl just feel that it isn’t worth bringing up.
Well, I’m bringing it up because I think it’s worth it.
Like every intro, the intro to tonight’s episode (s2e7) gave us some interesting foreshadows into Lumon’s operations. Not only did they show the goat stuff again (and added some more goat stuff) but in the very last scene, where Mark is sitting on his bed, a baby with an adult male head crawls by.
If this doesn’t shout “clone” , I don’t know what would. I know that we’re all really interested to know about Cold Harbor and MDR’s refining, but the intros have been foreshadowing themes and events many episodes into the future.
Am I high on my own supply rn, or is this like a little wink for the viewers, right at the moment where we’re finally not thinking about the clone stuff and totally focused on MDR/Cold Harbor/ Gemma?
Such are my thoughts on the matter