10,000 bone fragments found on Herb Baumiester's, Fox Hollow Farm! Do you think Mark Goodyear was an accomplice?
This is the 3rd time I have tried to post about Herb Baumiester today. Hopefully 3rd times a charm.
Recently did some digging about this case and man is it a whirlwind-shit-show! Police are still finding bones on his property, almost 30 years later, calling him the Jeffrey Dahmer you never heard of! I do find it crazy this guy is not talked about more. I believe that is due to know really knowing how the victims died as well as not being able to ID or put together all his victims together due to all the small bone fragments. All his victims died except one... Mark Goodyear. Crazy part about Goodyear are his stories and how he lied to the police about being attacked and getting away from Herb. Then he says he drugged Herb because he thought Herb was going to kill him but still spent the night (HUH?) But then Mark changes his story and states Herb was his stalker, so then the smartes thing Mark could think of is to stalk Herb (WHAT??). He states he has visited Herb's house several times when Herb was alive (possibly lovers?), but says he would warn people at bars that Herb was a serial killer. This guy is ALL over the place. What do you guys think? Do you think Mark was an accomplice? The police and the current owner of Fox Hollow Farm seem to think he is innocent. I personally think police needed to pin this murder on someone and once Herb killed himself they didn't need to take it to court. They dropped the ball big time!