How can I get up to speed?

My partner is the best and loves SM, and I got us tickets to see the live show for her birthday. I've never seen any sailor anything, because... i guess I grew up enmeshed in patriarchy? I'm not trying to make it my personality now or anything, but I hope she really likes the show and I'd like to know enough to enjoy it with her. Is there like a movie or a miniseries or something that can get me, like, a sailor scout associates degree without committing to watching a full 22+ episodes?

p.s. I'm quietly posting at work so if i dont respond i hear you and appreciate you I'm just trying to make it through friday without getting fired

Edit: thank you all SO much, I think I've got a plan and juussst not quite enough time to make it work. The ADHD's dream scenario. you're all the best and I've upvoted every one of your comments