I finally broke up with my bf

We’d been together going on 3 years, now we’re both in our late 20s. He’s just not the same person he was when we first met, and he really failed me. I feel free and relieved but at the same time sad that things didn’t work out the way we wanted them to.

I told him yesterday that I’m really unhappy in our relationship and that he’s clearly expressed to me that what would make me happy (him working full time so that I don’t have to subsidize so many expenses) would make him unhappy, so it’s just not going to work. That’s the main reason but there are many more. He got so angry with me and was yelling that he didn’t deserve this, I don’t love him, how could I do this, etc

I just feel like he’s taking advantage of my girlboss career-driven nature to live a soft life. I really don’t make bank either, I make $70k/year. I just can’t be with someone who takes and takes while I feel like my life and finances are being drained out of me. I’m just very tired