Anybody else living through life with a foreboding sense of doom?

I’m 26M. I started suffering from depression when I turned 16.

I’ve been depressed for the large part all this while. I’ve pretty much accepted depression to be a condition I’m condemned to live with. In these years, I graduated from a top law school (performed pretty well there, served as the editor of the Law Review) and have been working at an elite big law firm as a corporate lawyer.

I’ve come to a realization that I tend to lock myself into my work as a way to cope with depression. The last few months have been difficult in terms of workload but I’ve managed to do a pretty good job thus far in producing quality work. I have been part of 3 high profile deals and a few other high stakes matters in quick succession. I’m starting to feel burnt out at my job although I’m ambitious and have a good reputation in my team. My depression’s spiraling out of control by the day and I’m gripped with this foreboding sense of doom. I struggle to sleep well and have recurring dreams of drowning or just fighting against a heavy tide. I’m troubled with premonitions of not living for long.

I really hope to overcome this soon.

Written in haste, apologies for the typos