With everyone in Canada chimping out about the trade war it's made me feel like I can't ever get through to libs
Like the problem here isn't some border, it's the fact that the Anglo portion of North America has -9000% class consciousness, Canadian oligopolies in ISP's and other sectors need their protectionism not so that they can give workers a better quality job, it's to ensure that they have no market competition. The fact that the class oriented left is so dead that they only thing that 'progressives' do is cling to the decaying welfare state instead of pushing for more change is honestly so damn sad. If there was actually an organized workforce in the USA and Canada, it wouldn't matter if Canada became part of the USA because organized labour would just push the government into making changes in society for a better quality of life, like healthcare and infrastructure regardless of where the border is drawn. This whole thing is just the Canadian capitalists trying to make it seem like we are 'in this together' which we never have been, the libs are eating it up because it lets them be nationalistic for once, Doug Ford was wearing a hat that reads 'Canada not for sale' he literally sold public lands to his developer friends. It's honestly just a sad state of affairs when people have just completely given up on a bigger picture of the future and can only invision some petty social democratic concessions that an actual labour movement gained back in the 20's and 30's. So instead of realizing we have far more in common with workers in each opposing country we bicker and squabble about shit that doesn't matter.