The ridiculous exposition

I don't think this is really a "Reacher problem" rather than a "streaming service problem," but do we really need so much dialogue each week where characters explain the plot, and their relationships to one another?

I know it's a Reacher thing that everyone who meets him has seemingly just been reading his life story and recounts his achievements at him while he sits there quietly ("Jack REACHER?! 427 purple hearts, highest ever score on Pac-Man and rear of the year '97 Jack Reacher? I've just read your file....") but I think if you cut out all the times people basically recount the series from each episode you'd lose a good 10-15 minutes.... Reacher doesn't need to say "I'm an informant" out loud IN THE HOUSE OF THE GUY HE'S INFORMING ON unless some executive has decided to make the show as idiot proof as possible (second-screen-ability, I believe is the term.)