Update: My boss just haha reacted to my message asking for a raise.

Thank you for the advice and for giving me a reality check. Here's an update on my story. I waited two days for a proper response, but I guess that was her response. Regardless, I had already planned to resign and was just looking for another job to transition into.

Just a day after posting this, I was able to quickly land an international client from OLJ who is paying me 4 times my monthly salary 🥹 The task seems easier than my usual work, at least in theory, but I still have some concerns since the tools are new to me and different from what I am used to. However, I believe we grow the most from challenges that scare us and stepping out of our comfort zone is where real learning happens. So thanks for motivating me to apply haha

As soon as I secured the deal, I immediately submitted my resignation. My boss later replied, apologizing for the late response and saying she was actually considering my request. She could have mentioned that when I first asked instead of just reacting with a haha and an emoji though lol

She then asked if I could at least work reduced hours as many of their clients had started with me. That made me smile because suddenly she saw my worth. Yet, when I initially asked for a raise, it seemed like I was not even worth a simple reply, not even a two or three letter response like "yes" or "no."

Unfortunately, I did not do what some of you suggested, haha reacting to her message or replying with just an emoji 😭 Instead, I told her that I had already made up my mind and kept it polite because I did not want to burn any bridges, as I still appreciate the experience I gained from the company.

Thank you all for helping me realize my worth. I have learned my lesson and will never go through that again ❤️