How does being an 'iPad kid' affect your brain and life long-term?
An iPad kid is someone whose been glued to the internet since infancy by parents that think iPads are parenting substitutes. I was born just before the advent of YouTube so I wasn't affected much, I don't even have a phone. But a lot of my younger relatives have never been without a tablet since they were born and screech whenever it was taken away. It's part of a wider range of issues with Gen Z imo.
I'm in high school currently and one thing I've noticed about iPad kids is a dive in behaviour from previous years. We were annoying as kids but never to this extent. We at least knew how to say please and thank you and hold a conversation. Those born in 2010 are now teenagers (existential dread) so they've begun terrorizing everyone.
They have zero social or practical skills, they talk as if they were in a YouTube video. They set fires routinely, get into fights nonstop, scream at random people in the corridors and break into the exam halls. It was nothing like this a few years back. The teachers have noticed it too, they think it's a combination between Internet addiction and the COVID lockdowns. When you've spent two years "learning" online with no social interaction beyond a computer screen it's no surprise.
The garbage they watch is mind-numbing too. They'll stare at it blankly for hours upon hours like zombies. Elsagate is the most infamous controversy surrounding online kids' content. It's insane that this is what kids are raised with nowadays. No imagination, no creativity, no learning, no socializing, just straight-up garbage.
How long will it be until we start seeing a large percentage of adults incapable of basic human tasks? Millennials are already struggling as is so I can't imagine how much of a disaster it'll be once Gen Z takes the helm.