More of Chilvary, tafadhali naomba

I think at this point I should start a matatu chronicles segement.

Yesterday, on my way home from town, I boarded a bus and as usual, sat on the window seat. I was tired, tired of Kasongo, tired of the extreme Nairobi heat, tired of the crowded downtown get the jist?

A gentleman boarded the mat and sat next to me. He immediately greeted me. He was well dressed, cologne smelt good and he was well groomed in a black cap. I responded to his greetings.

As we left town, he started small chats and I engaged. Because he said, "Excuse me, can I ask you a question?" Now, if you've interacted with Nairobians long enough, you'll notice that greetings are like public toilets, you have to pay. (Not in the literal sense though).

This is where it gets interesting. Upon nearing his bus stop, he wished me a safe journey and paid me a compliment and walked away. We didn't exchange numbers.

Men, 99% this is what we want. Ah! My evening was made!

TLTR: Girl meets man, girls engages in his small talk, man wishes her journey wishes and paid girl a compliment. Girl is still smiling at midnight. 🥰🥰