It's always a communication issue
Yes Yes Yes, Ruto must go but I don't think he wants to burn down the country as most people are insinuating. What really would be the benefit of that? I actually believe it's a communication issue.
Over the past like 2 years, I have been somewhat unemployed, entrepreneurship manenoz and every business that I have sunk, looking back has always been a miscommunication of the intention behind the idea.
I started a food thing, marketed it on efficiency of delivery and as a healthier product, no artificials...blah blah. Turns out people don't really mind going out to eat and as long as the food doesn't taste wierd, they don't mind all that much what's in it.
Starting it, I was trying to fix a cleanliness issue, around that place, the eateries were poorly put together, zina runniwa na tushosho but I was unable to communicate that, well, atleast I believe that's why it didn't succeed. I should have tried selling the cleanliness, ambience... rather than efficiency.
It's already too long but ebu go listen to Kingori's episode with some somali guy, the latest one, then ukam unishow, he puts across the communication thing very nicely, also very informative on financials as always on that show