Podcast shenanigans

I finally felt ready to listen to a podcast episode that I've been shelving for a while now. It's called So this is love by Jules Gaitho.

I'm on season 4, episode 7 and it's by far the most heart- wrenching episode that I've heard. A whole 2 hours and 30 minutes of a lady speaking her truth and her past relationship woes. From gender based violence to mental and emotional abuse. Damn! 😫 I had to literally take breaks in between the episode because of the sadness that was ripping me apart. She really did go through a lot fr and I hope she's okay now.

The reason I like this podcast is the fact that you think you've gone through worse and then you realize that you haven't been through half of what most people have been in toxic relationships. You also learn a lot about people's patterns and shit like that.

To those stuck in these toxic relationships, I hope you gather the courage to finally leave and take back your power. You're gold❤️🫂

Ps: for a mental cleansing y'all can listen to The Psychology of your 20s( it puts things into perspective in case you're feeling lost)