The Superthesis for Crypto Twitter Token - as Simplified as Possible

Data was the most profitable / sought after commodity of the last 2 decades that created hundreds of billions of dollars in value for companies.

The next 1-2 decades will see attention as a commodity experience this same violent repricing.

Memecoins are the expression of attention growing in demand as a commodity.

During 2025, in goldilocks conditions for the broader crypto market at the maximally optimal phase of the 4 year cycle, memecoins (specifically community focused) will have the most rapid, violent repricing in history, since the early days of Apple, Amazon, Microsoft, etc.

The team and leadership in the Crypto Twitter Community recognize and believe in this thesis, leading them to be sacrificing everything this year to capitalize on this repricing and turn Crypto Twitter Token into an industry leader in this sector.

Don't take my word for it, let actions prove it.

They've done 115 consecutive daily multi-hour Twitter Spaces every single day for months now. Their team/dev/core community is available in Telegram, on Twitter, in Discord, and on Reddit at all hours of the day, working on building the infrastructure of CT and fostering community growth as much as possible.

If you agree with and/or believe in the attention commodity thesis, Crypto Twitter is the first mover getting drastically ahead of the competition to benefit the most from this violent repricing and market phase incoming in 2025.

Check it out for yourself. Search "Crypto Twitter" on Coingecko, Dexscreener, or Dextools. Navigate to any of their numerous links for more information. Most importantly, stop in a nightly Twitter spaces. This is truly the action that reveals all in the quickest fashion.

I hope to see you there! Keep it 3 for 20.