Help me Guys we are suffering in Egypt With limited internet quota.

Hello guys...

I'm from Egypt and if you don't know the internet in Egypt is limited with quota....

if you ask me how much GB the ISP gives you?

I'll till you we are in 2024 and they gives us

140gb for 5usd

250gb for 8usd

400gb for 12usd

600gb for 30usd all before tax

and thats alot for 105-150usd average salary for an egyptian n the government increases the prices every year for no reason.

and most family in Egypt is on 140gb and 250gb plans and they charge it like 2 times a month and if you don't know it's expensive for people in Egypt ... yes I'm talking about DSL internet not 4G.

and if you used all your quota the internet speed is gonna downgrade to 256kb that's means you cant do anything with this speed.

because of the small limited quota we are watching YouTube or any content on like 360p or 240p

to keep the normal internet speed as long as we can and we can't download games or watch movies on high quality or watch Netflix or any stuffs like that.

a game like warzone can only take all the 140gb plan in the first day of the month.

this is unacceptable and we did everything to change this and the internet providers just want to make money they are making billions of dollars every year from limited quotas

a few month a go the biggest internet company in Egypt called ''WE'' (owned by government) made some trick with the famous website ''speedtest'' if you checked your internet speed with it it gives you a fake speed more than your plan and the GB counter stops counting that. why? to make Egypt and the ISP ''WE'' get a higher rank and be the fastest internet in Africa .... what people made? they injected the speedtest host in ''openvpn'' config and at this time who was know this method was have unlimited internet quota and in some situations unlimited speed ... but after like 2 months ''we'' turned off this method after they got what they need...

now please guys if someone can help me and do something like develop a tool i can use it to hide my data usage from the ISP and gets unlimited internet until they make unlimited internet in Egypt legally pleeeeeaaasee till me and help me we are literally suffering we can't enjoy using internet..

and thank you all❤.