Thoughts on people quitting *just* before you fulfill alternate win conditions? (for the title)

There is a title in Master Duel you can only get by fulfilling alternate win conditions (i.e, Exodia) called "Tactician". But whenever I try to go for it, people will just quit when it looks like you're about to fulfill it.

I'm not playing Exodia or something really toxic like stall, but Gimmick Puppets. Unlike in the paper game, you don't have to optimally route to Leo Disaster since the deck is unhit. Routing to Leo Disaster on Master Duel is something you pretty much only do if you want to flex. I only do it when I have 100% assured/safe since the much longer sequence makes it more suspectible to Maxx "C"

Every single person I have come across pretty much quits upon seeing Leo or more maliciously, after Leo Disaster is summoned and about to end turn. I am on progress track of zero despite having summoned Disaster many times already. The reason I think this is toxic is because the sequencing is so long and they sat around to see most of it so why not just let you finish?

Do you think this is kind of in bad faith or toxic?