I found out I have kidney Cancer

So long story short I was rushed to er in November, I thought I was passing a stone cause couple years back I had major issue's with both kidney's where I had to have so many surges to remove all the kidney stones, But this time in Nov I was in so much pain & blood started to show in my urine n a bad smell, Mean while I was admitted to hospital cause the first ct scan show nothing it wasn't a stone, but doctor's was still trying figure why I was in so much pain then they did another ct with 100 contrast dye they noticed a Tumor, When the doctor came over he ask me who in my family every had Kidney cancer I just froze I really didn't know what to say, Now I'm following up and I need a biopsy Done, What should I expect I don't know what grade im in or level and is there medical Thing I would need done, Will I need medication or something like what should I know cause im very new to this.