Strange point about gifts in contract
Sup everyone! I've asked about my strange wage number couple days ago and thank you all for your answers! However, I dived deeper in the contract and found another strange part there...
They specifically add the point about "gifts from partners/colleagues/etc." that one recieving a gift should compulsory give it away to the HR or company leadership if the cost of the gift is higher than 10 euros.
Not that I expected to be covered in gifts on this job. But now it seems as a very strange bullet point in the contract, isn't it?
Idk maybe company had some problems with it before. Anyways it whispers a bit of red flag imo
UPD: the exact wording is "Geschenke oder sonstige Vergünstigungen von Geschäftspartnern, wie etwa Vertretern,[...] etc.. sind unverzüglich an den Arbeitgeber herauszugeben. Ausgenommen von diesem Verbot sind alltägliche Zuwendungen von geringem Wert, wie Bewirtungen oder Schreibgeräte. Notizblöcke, Kalender etc., deren Wert 10 € nicht übersteigt."
UPDD: Thank you all for valuable answers and discussion! I'll maybe add an additional question soon, because discussion with company opens a new round of shenanigans...