I didn't think losing a friend from reddit would suck this much.

Long story short, they wanted to delete their account and make a new one. I felt like we were developing a pretty good friendship (trauma bonded initially) and I was actually kind of looking forward to talking to them throughout the day. Usually I find conversation with a lot of people really draining, but they just weren't draining at all to me. It was nice and refreshing. They told me they would message me right after they made a new account... but it's been over a week now. It has kind of bummed me out. There was no indication that really screamed "I don't really like talking to you". They told me their name would he similar to the old one... but there is way too many combinations. I'm not sure if my name is super hidden by reddit. But regardless, it's made me kind of sad. I'm not entirely sure how to process this but hopefully with time... it will be okay. Either way, I hope they are okay. I'll miss them.