Colonial naval tools are tedious to use with downsides and no upsides.

There is this is great debate about naval imbalance about population, imbalance and what not but at the end of the day the biggest part of it is that Colonial naval tools are less fun to use. The submarine turns like a pig, meaning it takes nearly two hours to get it from the back lines to the front for a torpedo loading gimmick that pop-up dry docks eliminate the need for it. The destroyer has terrible ammunition layouts and lacks enough ammo to actually operate for sustained periods on the front for little benefit. And the gunboat until next update has horrific speed, decrew, and weapon layout issues. People simply don't like playing navy on Collies because using the Charon, Destroyer, and Trident is a much worse overall experience than using the Ronan, Frigate, and Nakkii. And until that is changed, naval game play will largely be a thing seen by one faction.

Loading the conqueror right now is extremely annoying at the moment to the point where the rear gun isn't used once ammo from crates is no longer available. Removing the collision box from the cabinets in the destroyer would help to allow two crew members to walk past each other, because that is currently not possible on the destroyer. It's especially annoying when the destroyer was supposed to be better than the frigate, when it just isn't due to the narrow hallways and poor ammo layout. Arguably the frigate is better because it can sustain both guns for a longer period of time while being far more mobile.

The Trident's abysmal turning makes it extremely annoying to navigate Colonial rivers, let alone try and fight frigates. And there are three bugs/exploits that are killing its combat performance:

1) The warden APC can be used to see Trident crews underwater, this needs to be fixed ASAP for obvious reasons.

2) The tridents center ballast and hydrofoils have too little authority which leads to the trident surfacing no matter what when reversing.

3) The sonar signature of the trident does not change until it reaches crush depth, meaning the sonar signature sits between that of a destroyer and battleship regardless of depth until it is being crushed.

Being the underdog is fun for a little bit, but it gets quite old after a year (which is probably why most people that enjoy navy play the side with more enjoyable and easier to use naval equipment), and at this point it would be nice if naval assets could be brought in line with each other.