What's with people always saying "Oh it's a break war for X side"
I started properly playing Foxhole in WC119 as a collie and remember being told by people "this is a break war for both sides, all the big Regis will be back next war". War 120 came around and I was hearing the exact same thing about both sides except there were arguably more people saying it about the warden side. War 121 apparently this was a collie break war. War 122 apparently this is now a warden break war...
The collies were outnumbered in war 121 and it seems like the wardens are outnumbered in war 122 (correct me if I'm wrong). This gives off the impression that one side is always on a break war while the other is playing then it swaps around for the next war. If this is the case (which I'm not convinced it is) then that's pretty lame since it would completely remove the challenge for one side.
I'd imagine that both sides have different Regis taking breaks every war and I think that the whole notion of a break war for one side comes about though a culmination of people either being misinformed, coping or perhaps they're basing this off one or two Regis taking a break.
I'm curious to know what everyone else's thoughts are on this?