I realized the difference of playing doom well in lower ranks vs higher ranks
I've played doom in all the way from bronze to diamond, now im usually hovering in low plat. I realized that the lower ranks I go, (or when i play quick play), the slower I have to play doom because my team will not dive with me. Even a slight change in rank makes a big difference. This make it feel that, in a (confusing) way, lower rank play is harder.
Since doom is often a dive or hide kind of character, this problem is very pronounced. A dive that works well in higher rank can fail in lower ranks, because your teammates wont follow up, even if your teammates are dive characters. Even worse, since your team feels like their tank is "gone", they back up instead of pushing forward with you, further isolating you from your team.
So my solution to win in lower ranks: Focus on softer dives that dont put yourself in danger, and let your teammates see where you are. For example, dive to the side of enemies instead of behind them. Sometimes it's right to dive deep in the backline, but assume that no one will help you.
When I watch streamers, they dive super deep in the backline, and their team is able to follow up. It's amazing. But if you copy that strategy in low ranks, I don't think it will work so well. Higher ranks are much better at knowing when to push or pull back, cohesively as a team. Low ranks aren't able to do this.
So when we hear people always give advice that "you have to dive the backline", this kind of depends a lot on the rank youre playing, in my opinion