Japanese people standing on one side of the escalator, so people in a rush could walk on the other side. Can Delhi do this?

Recently, I went to Japan and everyone in tokyo stand on the left side of the escalator, so people in a hurry can walk ahead. When I came back I realised how frustrating it is to see 2 people who are standing on the same stair not letting anyone pass through even though there's no one ahead of them. Why can't we inculcate a culture of making people stand on one side. Maybe make DMRC make announcements regarding this, it'll make life so much easier and commute more efficient.

Recently, I went to Japan and everyone in tokyo stand on the left side of the escalator, so people in a hurry can walk ahead. When I came back I realised how frustrating it is to see 2 people who are standing on the same stair not letting anyone pass through even though there's no one ahead of them. Why can't we inculcate a culture of making people stand on one side. Maybe make DMRC make announcements regarding this, it'll make life so much easier and commute more efficient.