SNW CD unavailable?

So, just this week, after years of hesitation and listening to separate tracks, I finally gave Deftones a go. Absolutely fell in love with the sound, and SNW is my favorite so far (I listened to all studio albums only twice but I've heard SNW about 6 times).

I collect CDs of my favorite albums, and decided to add SNW to the collection. All of the studio albums are available dirt cheap in my country from reputable sellers. However, it seems like I cannot find SNW's CD anywhere on any store in Europe / Slovakia specifically. I checked the official store, but even there, SNW is the only missing album.

At first I thought that it was sold out everywhere, but then when I went digging, I saw that there weren't even any listings created for the album. Not one local seller has it. The only existing listings I've managed to find were:

  • a sketchy store that has a badly photoshopped cover of the album without any print on the CD
  • Wallmart (lol)
  • A few used copies on Amazon
  • an old listing I've found by rewriting a link, it says that the product is no longer available
  • a listing that just has the PNG of the cover put up on a sketchy czech marketplace

I don't get it. Is there something I'm oblivious to? Was it some controversy? Or is it just that because I'm in Europe / Slovakia there are no available listings here? Did they just randomly decide to stop making the CD, or did everyone recently decide to buy this one specific CD?

I don't know what's happening here. Any ideas?

EDIT: I know next to nothing about the band besides a few things around the ST-DE era where things were bad. Is this album not available because of what time it was made in? Or is it just my location that doesn't have a single one available?