someone accidentally left chicken breast out over night, what now?

i’m spending the night at a friends house and i was suppose to make butter chicken. i had chicken breast in a grocery bag that was suppose to go in the fridge, but it didn’t and stayed for at least 5-8 hours. i threw it in the fridge when i saw it this morning but idk should I still cook it or chuck that hoe? i don’t wanna make anyone sick but i also don’t wanna waste food unless i HAVE to.

edit: that hoe has been chucked. and i lectured my friend abt wasting fucking food cuz i JUST bought that shit yesterday 🙄 to all the ppl dming me and basically calling me a “lazy idiot” you look really stupid considering i went out of my way to go to multiple sources (including reddit) to make sure i didn’t poison my friends so smd. to everyone that was actually nice and helpful thank you! i hope you the next dish you make gives you the best foodgasm!! <3