CMV: I feel like US culture heavily overestimates male interest in breasts and rear ends (or T and A as it’s colloquially called). I feel like men are way more interested in the legs and abdominal area.

Let me start off with an anecdote, growing up, my attraction to women was essentially based on legs and abdominal area.

I remember growing up and maybe looking at specific people in the winter and thinking, I don't find her attractive now, but dang, she wears short shorts in the warmer months and I well melt internally when she does, and melt internally I did. I have indeed gone full winters without being attracted to a woman because I had no social media at the time and of course there were months where nobody wore short shorts.

I'll also say that I've never talked about my specific attractions with more than a handful of people but everyone I've discussed it with agreed. If it matters, I was never the initiator of any such IRL discussion in the first place.

I just simply have never had such a strong physiologic reaction or stimulation to T or A at any point in my life as I have had to legs and abs.

So, when I see the culture emphasizing T and A so much, it seems to me that it is not based on actual male attraction but rather cultural trope.

While I don't know why for sure and don't have a specific view on the "why this is the case", I feel like there are many possible reasons. One could be the greater social acceptance on showing legs compared to T and A. Maybe it's more fun for the media from their perspective to sexualize what is societally unacceptable to show in its entirety in public, since of course it is socially acceptable, at least in the USA, to show almost your entire legs, but not the entire T or A.

Also, maybe it's possible that the fact T and A can be changed medically much easier than legs can could be a factor too.

I'm not sure these explanations are plausible or not plausible, but these are potential possibilities and I find them more plausible then men simply being way more obsessed with T and A compared to legs and abdomen.

I will say that also I'm not claiming men have no attraction to T and A nor do I think the other side claims men have 0 attraction to legs. Our society does to an extent acknowledge attraction to legs.

Think about when we were kids and watched that teen titans episode where beast boy was so happy when Raven showed her legs, but overall I feel like the attraction to legs and abs is way underestimated and the attraction to T and A is way overestimated.