Major economic class differences between partner and I
Has anyone had a successful relationship with major differences in Economical status?
My partner of over a year comes from a somewhat wealthy 2 parent family, He has rentals that make him a good amount of money, owns his home and is also a real estate agent that does well. He has a growing savings and is just all around in a major different tax bracket.
He has 2 kids and I have 2 kids. I work full time, and have a part time job I pick up on occasional weekends. making a lower income of around 48k a year, honestly barely making ends meet. I was raised in poverty with a single mom and don’t have family support. I am kind of a lone soldier in my journey.
When speaking about moving in together/marriage or blending families, he’s clear that our finances will still be completely seperate. Bills will be split. Which is fine, I understand.
I worry that I already feel a little bit of resentment towards his life vs mine. He sleeps in, takes naps when he wants, lives on his own terms and doesn’t have to worry. If we were living together and I was getting up every day to go to work, to barely make ends meet, as he sleeps peacefully with no financial worries…I may grow major resentment. Which is my problem to work through…I guess I’m just looking for advice if anyone has been in a similar situation.
I should add. When I express my concerns, he expresses that he just doesn’t want to be taken advantage of. He also says he that wants to retire “us” in 10 years and that’s why he needs to keep saving his money and I would need to “pull my weight” Which is great and a lovely idea, but when I’m barely making ends meet and falling into debt, it’s hard to imagine just magically retiring in 10 years. Mind you we are 30 years old
My dream would be to be able to go down to part time, to go back to school to get my Nursing degree.