My Support Story

Long story short, after talking with three different support folks trying to resolve an issue with my Nike sport band not locking into my new Apple Watch , it seems their response is that I have to return my watch via FedEx so they can send me a new one. They are unable to send me just a new band. I even offered to send back the faulty one, which the declined.

After my calls, I decided to shoot an email to Tim and Phil about this. I discussed how I enjoy apple products, but expressed my frustration over the return process for such a simple fix. I was not expecting any response, just wanting to vent really.

This was last night. This morning, I dropped my watch off at FedEx.

Today, about 20 min ago, I got a phone call from someone on the Apple Executive team who would be handling my case going forward. He received my email and appreciated my comments and wanted to make it right. He indicated he was ready to overnight me a replacement band, but I informed him I already dropped my watch off at FedEx. He then stated he would work to remove any blocks / holds on a new watch coming back to me.

I did tell him I wasn’t looking for anything special from apple, just wanting to help bring to light these issues. He said emails to Tim and company help impact that.

TL;DR...send those emails to Tim and Co....they get attention!

Edit: so it looks like the gent that helped me out shipped me a new band; it’s scheduled to arrive on Monday. Now I’ll just have to wait for the replacement watch to ship.