Make It Make Sense.

  1. Falsely Accused of opening a door and getting our teammate down (was an enemy wraith who did it, i broke her white shields then hit her for 88 damage she duck i missed the last shot and she down me.)

Next Game

  1. Got blind side by a fuse and went down from his peacekeeper but not before i empty a full clip into him. I wasnt worried my team came in and finish him off before he had a chance to heal.

Lifeline wasnt healing us so use the two sheild cells and syringe... then my team run off to face another enemy team with no shields no heals and got lit to fuq up. So i provided covering fire got them out of dodge turn the corner and went down.

then the same lifeline pretty much said im bad cause i got knocked twice. I started asking questions, he assume i was coming after him, i just wanted to know why a lifeline who didnt heal us up jump in head first into another battle would say such a team then got flustered and alt+f4 out of a ranked match