Did your marriages/relationships get worse when you started medication?

I have met my breaking point with my husband. It's not new issues, it's things that have been happening for a long time and I've been trying to resolve for a long time but recently I couldn't take it anymore and I asked him to leave for a couple of weeks.

Last night I was talking to a friend who just started medication and she said she is leaving her partner. She said he is great and he didn't do anything wrong but she needed herself to work through her ADHD. I was surprised because I am in a rough spot with my husband and I also started stimulants recently.

Our situations are very different but it made me wonder if this comes up for other women who start taking meds.

Did this happen to you?

UPDATE: We decided to swap places last night. I'm staying with my aunt and he is at home with the kids. This way I can have a change to decompress and process my thoughts and feelings without caregiving. He also found a marriage counselor and scheduled an appointment for next week. I'm feeling numb but hopefully I have some time to figure out what I want to even talk to my therapist and the marriage counselor about. Thank you all for your posts. It has been so helpful to feel like I'm not alone, get some perspective about how this might be connected to my meds, and have space to hear/share stories. So many of you put so much time and consideration into your replies and I appreciate it so much!