Feyre isn’t a Girl Boss for what she did
I know many people have already spoken on this topic, but I still don't think people really get just how bad Feyre's actions were.
The vast majority of us agree that Feyre's anger was warranted, right? Of course, she had every right to be pissed off at Tamlin.
Read that again.
"She had every right to be pissed off at Tamlin."
At Tamlin.
Now Tamlin did have some bad karma coming his way--I agree. I'm not getting in the conversation of whether he was complicit in the spring court falling
Now let's forget Tamlin for a second- and instead we'll put our focus on the people he governs:
The innocent citizens of the spring court.
Those who were working in close proximity
I don't know why this topic all of a sudden riled me up, but I continuously see reels and videos of calling Feyre a "queen" for what she did.
But she's not.
She's a war criminal who should've been tried.
Not once did she think about how her actions would affect the innocent people of spring, all she could think about was getting her revenge.
And well- she sure as hell got it! Burned Her target better than a well done steak... and all of the innocents standing around it as well.
And never apologized for it.
No, not to Tamlin.
But to the innocent men, women, and children who had nothing to do with her and Tamlin's bull****.
Then what does she do right after? She pranced into the sunset with Lucien in tow, never to be seen again!
Well, more like limping and nearly drowning and- yeah you know.
But you get it.
So with Feyre now gone, and the Spring Court left with basically no government or structure.
All citizens of the spring court were now left defenseless and unprotected against Hybern's forces, because of the actions our precious high lady of the night court.
We learn just how evil and cruel Hybern forces are when Gwyn tells her story about what was done to her by a Hybern soldier in ACOSF.
If you don't know- what do invading forces of men typically do to vulnerable women who live under shitty and weak governments?
There is nothing that anyone can say to me that they didn't do that again in the Spring Court, but on a much larger scale.
And Feyre left their doors wide open to that, and left them to deal with the ashes of her fire.
Yes I know Hybern would've invaded Spring either way, but Feyre made it 10 times worse. With the people now in revolt, a ragining hormonal High Lord, and no proper army to defend them; they had nothing.
No home.
Still displaced as of ACOSF.
While Feyre lives lavishly playing house in the new home that her beautiful (RICH) mate built for her- while millions can't return to their own homes because of her over the top revenge.
But she had a precious baby as well???
Well toot my horn, congratulations! :D (Sarcasm)
The point is.
She f*cked up real bad.
And I hate that people can't or won't see that, it's okay to still like a character and still be like; "ehhhhh that ain't right."
In contrast to what you're probably thinking right now, no- I don't dislike Feyre.
I just (VERY) dislike what she did.
And I also don't like how she lives happily never after while there are millions still suffering because of her misplaced anger.
The fact that irl and in the story her actions are brushed under the rug still pmo to this day.
But oh well.
If Sarah ever reads this (most likely not) then I have one request to consider.
When or if the spring court ever recovers again- don't let the citizens of that court ever f*ck with her again and magically forgive everything that's happened.
Please humble her, I love authors who aren't afraid to knock their characters of their high horses.
(I would say Tamlin too, but girl you've already humbled him quite a BIT- maybe a little bit too much now?)
Oopsie that's another thing, that I shall not and will not get into here. 🤭
Once again, not saying that you shouldn't like Feyre- just be aware that you can still like her and criticize her at the same time.
Ight im out 🫡