Who do you think has the strongest rage?
Rage is a common feeling throughout the series, but I noticed that it's described as either hot or cold for only certain characters in certain scenes.
- Hot rage is typically impulsive and quick. SJM uses terms like "hot", "simmering", or "molten" to describe it.
- Icy rage tends to be calculated and calmer. SJM uses terms like "icy", "cold", or "frozen" to describe it. (I would argue that this is scarier because it implies that the person becomes calculated about how they handle it, which can lean towards cruelty)
I decided to do a review to see which characters run hot vs which characters run cold and I ended up coming up with this ranking. It counts the number of times that character exudes each form of rage (including the BCs):
- I initially thought that Azriel would be the worst in the series so far, but it's actually Rhys! Rhys tends to show this side of himself when thinking about Feyre's safety.
- Rhys comments on Azriel's form of rage the most, and it's usually to state how terrifying it is. When we finally get Azriel's POV in the ACOSF BC, we see that Azriel actually intentionally only shows it to Rhys and no one else because he knows they're similar. And now I can't stop seeing Rhys getting freaked out by Azriel and everyone else just being like "chill dude, he's not THAT scary" and it makes me giggle. "Azriel stiffened. Let his cold rage rise to the surface, the rage he only ever let Rhysand see, because he knew his brother could match it."
- I also think it's neat how SJM paired Nesta and Cassian with similar styles of hot anger despite Nesta's power actually being cold flames. It's a another subtle way to tie them together on an emotional level.
Anyways, just thought this was interesting and that I would share!