Transgenders At War

Thank you for the kind invitation to TransgendersAtWar.

I was contemplating the title, and also the wording of the rules of the subredit, namely: "...there are no discussions about anything violence related including weapons, gear, or harming anyone"

The name of the subredit isn't wrong, we are indeed de-facto at war.

We are at war with a hostile regime, backed by the strongest military force the world has ever seen, and it is an all-out-war, where our enemy intends on a genocidal eradication of us from the population.

History has shown that their plan will then seamlessly continue on to genocide the gays, disabled people, and the non-white peoples; followed by making women house-wife 'chattels' with no bodily autonomy)

It is not a case of surviving for 4 years, as our enemy has no intention of ever holding meaningful democratic elections again. Why would they? All the old checks-and-balances on executive power have been removed.

As trans-people, we are, as ever, first in the line of fire for fascism.

For Trans people this is a ludicrously asymmetric war, if the others on that list don't stand with us as allies, we are outnumbered 200:1.

Our Rich-CIS-White-ChristoFascist enemy doesn't want all the groups on that list to band together, as then we would then be in the majority.

They have used propaganda to drive wedges between the groups to make each group betray the next group, deluding them with the vain promise that betrayal will make them an 'in-group' with the elites. It won't, our enemy will come for each of them in turn.

The newly emancipated feminists of the 1970s were slowly radicalised into becoming TERFs, who then attacked trans-women instead of recognising that the mysogenistic straight-cis-men were the common enemy. The LGBT was then cleverly split down the line of LGB and T, turning gays (with their new legal rights) against trans people, with the (false) promise that the straight-cis-men in power would then let the gays keep their rights to marry and be 'out' in society without being jailed. Each group punching-down on their perceived inferiors. Straight CIS women have been tricked into punching-down on gays, lesbians and Drag-culture, thinking mistakenly that their own rights to go out to work or to have abortions were safe. (They aren't safe) Meanwhile, our common enemy sits back and laughs at our collective gullibility.

Our enemy can disseminate hate-filled propaganda against us, and legislate to remove our status as humans, and then imprison and 'disappear' us into prisons and concentration camps, all with impunity.

So what can we do? Well, playing by their rules on a public forum such as this, we are not even permitted to discuss fighting back, or organising any type of "well-regulated militia", for the purpose of preserving life and liberty against tyranny, whether foreign or domestic.

We are legally limited by laws written by our enemies, to merely being allowed to inconsequentially post memes and bits of news to one another, for us to be angry or sad about.

We are permitted (within limits) to vent our anger about these, either dissipating our anger in this unproductive way, or allowing ourselves to doom-scroll ourselves into despair. No action is permitted which might even potentially lead to a change in the system.

As per the rules of the subredit, I'm not allowed to say here what people should do instead, and this isn't the right place to discuss such things. If you want to fight and survive, go and create secure communications channels with which to discuss things.