Survival games that are fun solo

Maybe a odd request.

I have played many survival games but I don't complete them because I get bored in between and start feeling super lonely. I don't have others who play with me. So looking for survival games which are fun to play by myself.

Survivals I have played and what I liked about them :

Valhiem - A really fun game but I lost interest in iron age due to how grindy it felt

Conan Exiles : I enjoyed the game till the end , liked how More combat oriented this game was , than grind oriented.

No man's sky : I loved exploring different planets , finding new stuff and making blue prints but it got boring quickly.

V-rising : This was a pretty fun game. Loved it till the end.

So what I am basically looking for is :

A game that offers lots of materials and crafting stuff. More variety and different utility objects than Having to need more quantity of materials to craft.

Grind shouldn't be taxing/boring.

Engaging while playing solo.

Good combat / RPGish weapon crafting.

Somegame where I get to build bases and stuff and expand it while still keeping the feeling of meagreness of resources. I should be able to build multiple buildings and make different rooms for different stuff , like one room for crafting , another for weaponry etc Also if it has recruitable NPCs I will be onboard. Also the game should have mounts , like horses or camels or makeable bikes or gliders etc