I feel like im a pedo
So this all began on a random day i forgot but me and my friends were chatting but then came the subject of porn/nudes of a vocaloid character hatsune miku. I was 12 fyi and i was curious so i searched it up. I felt really weird and a little guilty just feeling trash.
I get it its my fault i searched it my friends even told me but hatsune miku is 16. And im really scared im a pedo or something ive been scared for no reason too just that i could be a horrible person.
If i am infact a pedophile i will kms rn. Dont sugercoat your answer i want to know the truth. Im really anxious that i could be a pedo like dude theres just nothing i can do then. If im a pedo im just more pf a dead weight than i am right now.
Please reply fast thank you.