Number 1 safety feature request from me

Prevent and/or immediately return to sleep if Steam Deck’s ambient light sensors detect no light source while not connected to a dock or having the usb port be actively in use.

I think a fair number of us are scared that in the event that either a software bug or our own carelessness causes a Bluetooth device to wake the deck while in its case, that our precious device will overheat and even cause potential damage be it short or long term.

This is where my request comes in. While the deck is docked or the usb port is in use, this feature will not activate unless the user desires but when toggled on it will:

Prevent the deck from waking from sleep so long as the ambient light sensors do not detect a light source.

Or it can immediately toggle sleep mode if no light is detected.

I genuinely believe that this is a major feature for steam deck that should absolutely be implemented. We already have toggles for specific devices but it would be amazing if we had an extra layer or global setting that acted beyond individual devices, especially considering that they have to be done one by one. This feature would just be a single toggle to keep the deck safe and even allow users to keep the wake feature on but have it do nothing so long as the deck is in the case.

What do y’all think?