Potentially fucked up earlobe stretch, what are my options?

I started to get my earlobes stretched at the start of the summer, and I'm currently at a 6 gage. I was told that I should come in every 2 weeks to get them stretched by the lady who does them. I went to a different place today b/c I'm in a different city for a month, and they said I should be waiting several months before getting them stretched again. I feel fucking violated and I'm so pissed that I let someone do this do me. I didn't sign anything from the shop, she didn't take my ID and didn't even ask how old I was (I have a few tattoos and piercings so I thought she assumed I was at least 18 but now idk). What should I do? I'm definitely never going back there for anything again but I'm worried I fucked up something beyond repair.