Bengali Professor discriminating against NE students
So, I am posting this on behalf of a friend who studies in the Dept of Statistics, St. Anthony’s College, Meghalaya. She told me about her frustrations about studying Statistics in this particular college because of the toxic Bengali HOD who downrightly discriminates against all NE students under his department except 7-8 Assamese Bengali students in a class with a strength of 30-40 ppl. He apparently questions them taking Statistics as to why tribals with less brain capacity even came to his field and that tribal students should just stick to easy subjects like Arts subjects. He takes out time out of the first half of his lecture every time to make racist remarks towards NE ppl. He has also threatened students that he will make it impossible for illiterate tribals of NE to pass this course. Apparently he’s some old ass 60 yr old well decorated professor who has multiple accolades in his field. Hence he is untouchable. Also the principal of the college is way younger than him so no one says anything to him. Many students have dropped out of the Statistics programme because of his constant harassment. I always thought Meghalaya still had some indigenous power but apparently no one has been able to touch this fuckass racist old Bengali. Apparently he’s a chronic kidney disease patient who is receiving dialysis for the same. Idk how someone so sick can have so much hate in his heart in his last few years of life tbh. Edit: I thought this sub was a safe space for NE ppl but ig it’s been overrun by Kanglus cuz this post has been getting downvoted to oblivion