Sleep Regression HELP

First time parent here ! I don’t know what to do. I feel so defeated. My little one is 6 months old and he was sleeping pretty good. I mean he slept from 7pm to 8am but would still wake up just for feeds and once he tuned 6 months he just won’t sleep in his crib anymore. Before he would even fall asleep in his own but NOW he cries whenever we lay him in the crib. Sometimes we even have him sleep with us in our bed but I don’t want that to be his new soothing technique and even when he sleeps with us he still gets fussy. Let me just start off with my LO does not get fussy only if he truly needs something. Other than that he’s a pretty chill baby do for him to get super fussy when it’s time for bed it’s throwing me off. I hope someone can help me pleaseeeeeeee