Facebook back in the days 2008-2014
I miss old Facebook. I use to loooove Facebook. I remember watching photos from the club anxiously waiting for someone else to tag me and than posting a song that is a current hit but is also dedicated to someone special. I miss posting YouTube videos on my wall and people commenting it. I miss posting 50 random photos from autumn photo shooting my friend made with her digital camera. And everyone commenting every photo. I just miss posting a new song and asking everyone how they like it and how they feel about the artist. I love music - I connected to so many people on Facebook through music. Now the only person posting YouTube videos on their wall (if that is even how it's called now) is my former boss and she is like 55. I still like and comment on it 😆And that would be pretty much any activity I have there. Instagram is different. It gives less possibilities. I love Tik Tok but it's rather different. Anyway just that.