Goddammit, Shane ruins everything!

Here I am, having a nice night when I decide to watch a movie. I go looking around online for what to watch and get reminded that there was a Batman movie that had came out last year and I had completely forgotten it had existed! So, I fire this movie up and not 15 mins in, any chance of enjoying this movie is ruined as emo Batman solves the first fucking riddle and immediately memories of Shane talking about how gay this movie is on the pod rushed back. I mean, he's completely right, especially about these stupid ass moments were he has to say the stupid ass answer to the riddles, but now im laughing at his jokes about it instead of mine.

Lol nah I'm just kidding, it's definitely better laughing at this monotone of a movie than trying to take these riddles fucking seriously. They should do a pod, maybe a patreon pod, where they watch a movie and make fun of it. Real mystery science theater 3000 type shit