How To Lucid Dream With The Attention Span Of A Wet Noodle?
So, full disclosure. I have VERY BAD ADHD (Diagnosed) and find it very difficult to Lucid Dream using many known methods as they tend to require a lick of focus, something that is very difficult to do for me, as my thoughts drift constantly. Additionally, reminding myself to do reality checks and journal my dreams have say the least.
Now, this doesn't mean I haven't had any manner of success. I actually have gotten rather close to lucid dreams before and have decent dream recall. However, is there any methods that would be better suited for me and perhaps a bit easier/more passive?
As it stands, the method that got the closest, was MILD, with me becoming lucid a small handful of times by running and quickly noting that I wasn't out of breath and my heart wasn't pounding.