Logitech C270/C310 "White Screen" Problem is Design Flaw/Product Defect!
After seeing a lot of "White Screen" error posts in this subreddit, we need an explanation to save precious time of people who are experiencing this problem.
For C270 or C310 Logitech webcams, "white screen problem" mostly about webcam's hardware design flaw rather than driver/software issue.
I experienced white screen problem twice with C270.
1st one purchased on 2014, start giving white screen on 2017 (after 2.5 years of purchase).
2nd one purchased on 2017, start giving white screen on 2020 (after 2.5 years of purchase).
They both have same issue but also same solution, once you remove front casing and move/touch circuit board, or loosen some screws, it starts working again, but just for some time.
In my case, 1st C270 required constant touch or push on circuit board to give the actual view.
On 2nd C270, i loosened some screws and it worked for 2 more weeks, but it has to heat up for 15-20 seconds to bring actual view. Now it is also kaput.
In this subreddit i see some, C310 posts about same error/problem. I guess C310 and C270 share same hardware only casing is different. Still photo resolution is only software enchantment.
So both products has same design flaw, problem could be caused by heat, spacing or low quality circuit board. So do not waste your time for trying to fix it with drivers.