Don't buy your pet

If you are looking to get a pet, this is for you. Don't just buy one from those creeps outside Sarit, or a guy who knows a guy. You wouldn't buy a family member(though i know you wish you could 😅). Mainly because that encourages these pricks to go steal more as a source of business, lacking to provide them with the healthcare and loving that they deserve. 99% of the time they lie about vaccinations and parentage, trust me you don't want that.

Just ADOPT. KSPCA provides a really good adoption process, you pay 3500 which covers their medicals, up to and including any necessary vaccinations, sterilizations and even any check ups for the following 6 months. They will also give you basic parent training if you ask, by that i mean they will guide you on the dos and don'ts etc. and MOST IMPORTANTLY, you get to see their variety of pets and you can bond with them in the CAT SANCTUARY or the kennels. then go home with whoever steals your heart (good luck not leaving with 5).

ps: they also take in strays and care for them.