Driving a Kadudu

I drive a Honda Fit. It’s a good small car that fits tight spaces, drives great, and is a great fuel saver. Perfect for running errands and general city driving.

I can afford better, bigger, but I prefer this for now as I take care of other issues.

Now, driving a small car as a man comes with its challenges. It's like people assume your financial status is directly proportional to the size of your vehicle. Not that it’s a bad thing. But you can tell by the reaction of friends, acquaintances, and strangers when you offer them a lift and park next to them. Some will restrain themselves, but others will blurt it out. “Buana, of all cars, why did you choose this kadudu?”.  Even guards think you are a Taxi driver. Let me not start with some ladies. Yaani someone hana hata bicycle but wants you to drive a better car. But we soldier on.

What are your experiences driving a small car, or a car deemed unworthy of your status?