Scavengers of the Republic
yes the republic is dead and it’s the scavengers time to eat. The Republic, that great Monarch of an Elephant 🐘 that we so much believed in is no more, the prides 🦁 of the land hunted her down and made their kill, they have feasted on her blood and flesh for too long. Now the hyenas are here, followed by the jackals and vultures to scavenge the corpse of our beloved republic, their gluttony knows no bounds and even the bones are not safe.
This is the reality of our nation that so many don’t want to accept. We can cry in denial and try and chase the scavengers away but they will always come back because that is their nature, to scavenge on that which is already dead. It’s time we realize this republic is dead and cannot be saved, it’s time the people wake up and realize the nation needs a rebirth.